
Busy Busy Busy

Ive been so busy this last couple weeks Ive had no time to post. I was very fortunate to do the hair of a group of performers and musicians from Serbia. It was an amazing experience to work with all these kids and thank my lucky stars for the opportunity. The show was for 6 days at The International Festival de Jazz Montreal. I will post a picture or two soon.

An invitation to celebrate, GRUBB takes on the challenge of giving voice to a people who are never heard, the Roma. Led by Serge Denoncourt, this unprecedented humanitarian artistic event recounts the reality and life of young Roma today through music, movement and theatrical performance... A completely new kind of hip-hop, blending with tradtional Roma music; a musical first! With, among others, dancer and choreographer Nico Archambault, actor, director and master of metamorhposis Arturo Brachetti, video whizzes Olivier Goulet and Gabriel Coutu-Dumont, costume designer François Barbeau and the music of Francis Collard.... (taken from the Jazz Festival site)

Metronomy - The Bay